TruBlu CBD Oil Review


Blue Moon Hemp TruBlu CBD Oil












CBD oil is an oil extracted from the cannabis plant and is considered to be a natural remedy for several common ailments. You might be surprised to note that marijuana, which is a drug banned in many countries, is also extracted from the cannabis plant. But the CBD oil extracted from the Hemp is considered safe for use and does not make you feel high as you do when you use marijuana. It is because it contains a minimal amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is the chemical compound found in large amounts in marijuana and responsible for the “high” feeling you get while using it. However, hemp oil has over 100 chemical compounds and pure cannabidiol in large amounts, which makes it an excellent remedy for pain, epilepsy, and other ailments without causing mind-altering effects.

To estimate the effectiveness of TruBlu CBD oil, learning about the remedies that CBD oil can offer is essential. You can get to know this by taking a look into the properties of the oil and how it delivers the expected results. It is also necessary to take note of and analyze the possible side effects, as well as the benefits. Let us consider them, along with reviews of customers who have used it as well.

TruBlu CBD Oil

What is TruBlu CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol a chemical compound that is present in the extract of the hemp species of the cannabis plant. It is referred to in short as CBD. The hemp extract is considered to have over 100 compounds. However, cannabidiol accounts for 40% of the hemp plant extract. It is useful in treating pain and a wide range of ailments, which include skin treatment, an autoimmune disorder, epilepsy, and cancer as well. Despite hemp oil being an extract from a cannabis plant, CBD from Hemp does not cause an intoxicated feeling of euphoria, as in the case of marijuana. Cannabidiol or CBD is used in the treatment of a number of ailments. The treatment process is referred to as Cannabinoid therapy.

How did it start?

Cannabidiol, which is a phytocannabinoid, was discovered in 1940. The FDA approved the cannabidiol drug named Epidolex in the year 2018 for the treatment of epilepsy disorders. You can use cannabidiol in many forms. It can be used as a prescription solution, a tincture, for inhalation, like smoke or vapor, as a spray, as capsules, and for topical application as well. A lot of clinical research on its effectiveness in treating anxiety, pain, movement disorders, etc. are on as of 2019. However, the legal status of CBD oil is different in different countries.

What Trublu CBD oil claims

The CBD oil from TruBlu maximum strength 1000mg formula extracted from US harvested Hemp and lab-tested claims that it is effective in providing several therapeutic benefits which include

  • Enhanced focus and clarity
  • Eliminating chronic pain and aches
  • Regulating sleep patterns
  • Reducing mood swings
  • Relieving stress and anxiety.

Ingredients in TruBlu CBD Oil

CBD oil is extracted from cold-pressed hemp plants. A full-spectrum CBD oil like Trublu CBD oil extracted from US harvested hemp would include

  • Fatty acids
  • Proteins
  • Terpenes
  • Flavonoids
  • Fiber
  • Chlorophyll

A quality product would contain about 40% or more of cannabidiol along with these additional compounds. TruBlu CBD oil is pure hemp oil that is extracted to an advanced Co2 extraction technology and contains full-spectrum Cannabinoids. It has no harmful additives and is a THC free formula.

TruBlu CBD Oil Review

 How does TruBlu CBD Oil work?

Blue Moon Hemp TruBlu CBD Oil is either consumed or applied topically for therapeutic benefits. However, it is supposed to work through the endocannabinoid system. Our body has an endocannabinoid system that is responsible for several physiological processes that also include neurological functions that would help you deal with pain, memory, mood swings, movement, and sensation. The ECS is also responsible for homeostasis and immune function. The ECS of our body mediates the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

There are two endocannabinoid receptors in our body. They are referred to as CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are located in the brain, nervous system, and peripheral organs and tissues. Endocannabinoid Anandamide is responsible for acting on the CB1 receptors. The other active and primary endocannabinoid, which is 2-Arachhidonoyl glycerol known as 2-AG, is quite active in CB1 and CB2 receptors. The cannabidiol from the cannabis plant is a mimetic of 2-AG, while THC is to anandamide. CBD oil, therefore, works on both these receptors and is useful in the treatment of many ailments. They are involved in appetite regulation, enhancing immune function, and aid pain management. Cannabidiol work by attaching itself to the receptors.

Benefits of TruBlu CBD Oil

Blue Moon Hemp TruBlu CBD Oil is for oral consumption. It is taken orally by placing a few drops of oil under the tongue. It is held there for some time and later swallowed. It is also consumed by mixing it with a drink or food that one takes. However, the effectiveness was not as expected in such cases. Alternatively, CBD oil can be used for topical applications as well. the benefits it can offer include

  • Chronic pain relief– A study published by the Journal of Experimental Medicine suggests that CBD has anti-inflammatory property that reduces inflammation and thereby pain in some rats and mice. CBD oil is effective for pain relief, including severe pain of chronic nature like arthritis pain.
  • Avoid withdrawal symptoms– A pilot study published in addictive behaviors showed that heavy smokers who used inhalers containing CBD smoked fewer cigars in a day than usual, and they did not crave nicotine. Other studies indicate that they are useful for treating opioid addiction disorders as well. Therefore, CBD oil is very useful in helping people who wish to give up addiction without any withdrawal symptoms. It means that they could quit smoking and drinking quickly.
  • Epilepsy– Since CBD was considered to be effective in treating epilepsy, a drug containing CBD called Epidolex was approved and used as a therapy for epileptic patients with seizures. Patients, including children between 3-5 years who suffer from Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and children less than a year who suffer from fever and frequent seizures that are known as Dravet’s syndrome was treated with this drug. But the drug should be administered depending on the bodyweight of the child.
  • Fighting cancer– Researchers note that CBD oil could be useful in controlling the growth of cancer cells, their spread, and even destruction of them. The level of toxicity was also considered to be lower in CBD oil.
  • Anxiety disorders– The THC in cannabis triggers or amplifies feelings of paranoia and anxiousness, while CBD can reduce anxiety and related disorders are what reviews from neurotherapeutics indicate. It was found to be sufficient to treat all types of diseases such as general anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD, Panic disorder, and Social anxiety disorder
  • Type-1 diabetes– This type of diabetes is believed to result when the immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil are supposed to ensure that they reduce inflammation and delay or prevent the development of Type-1 Diabetes.
  • Acne- Acne, as you might be aware, refers to the skin condition that happens due to the inflammation and overworking of the sebaceous gland. A study published in the journal of clinical investigation in the year 2014 that CBD oil helps lower the production of sebum that leads to acne, and it can be attributed partly to the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil.
  • Alzheimer’s disease– CBD oil is effective in treating Alzheimer’s, which is referred to as social recognition deficit. CBD helps treat Alzheimer’s at the early stages and also slows the progression of the disease.

Buying Trublu CBD Oil

Pure THC free CBD oil and tinctures are available in different strengths ranging from 125mg to 3000mg is available for sale online. You can access maximum power 1000mg pure CBD oil from TruBlu by logging on to the official website You can place the order by following the instructions in the user-friendly interface and get it delivered right at your doorstep. You also stand a chance to get a bottle of 1000 mg CBD oil at just $9.95 each day till stocks last. It is now legal to buy CBD oil OTC without prescription.

Price of TruBlu CBD oil

The cost of the CBD oil preparations sold in the market varies depending on the strength. The cost of 1000mg CBD full-spectrum cannabinoid-rich, THC free TruBlu CBD oil is $74.95.

TruBlu CBD Oil price

Return policy of Trublu CBD OIL

You can be guaranteed 100% satisfaction when you choose the high-quality TruBlu CBD preparations made from pure hemp extract in a quality facility in the USA certified for superior quality standards. But, in case you are not satisfied with the product, you can make use of the 30-day money-back guarantee by returning the product that you have not used.

How do you take 100mg CBD oil?

It is recommended to use about six drops of 100mg CBD twice in a day. You can take it by dropping the oil directly on to the tongue. It is the most effective way. You might also add drops of CBD oil to your favorite food or drink. But, the effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. You must shake the bottle of CBD well before you use it.

Side effects of CBD oil

There is no clear evidence as too the side-effects owing to the use of CBD oil. But, the use of CBD is a new phenomenon and has to be considered after careful thought and deliberation. If possible, you can discuss it with health care professionals as well.

Side effects related to overdose

Evidence from few clinical trials shows that children and youth who were prescribed a high dose of CBD than you should generally take based on the weight suffered from conditions like tiredness, lack of appetite, gastrointestinal problems, and altered liver enzyme secretions.

Side effects due to dishonest CBD products

The side effects that result owing to the use of CBD products that were not accurately labeled or made by unsafe manufacturers include

  • high level of toxicity due to the usage of pesticides and problems due to the presence of heavy metals due to corrupt farming practices.
  • more than the desired level of THC causing a feeling of high or euphoria
  • contaminants like mold, bacteria, and rancidity.
  • Products that contain synthetic Cannabinoids that were not effective

The side effects would vary depending upon the problem. There might also be products that have no or only a significant amount of CBD, in which case you are not likely to experience any positive or adverse effects.

Side effects due to contraindications

It is advisable not to take CBD when you are taking certain pharmaceutical drugs because when taken together, CBD tends to either increase or decrease the level of the medications in the bloodstream leading to health hazards. It is imperative to avoid prescription drugs that precisely should not be consumed with grapefruit.

Other side effects

The other conditions when you have to refrain from using CBD include

  • When you have liver complications
  • When you tend to have a low blood pressure
  • When you are trying to conceive
  • When you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby
  • When your immunity is not that great

Product warning

The official website warns that the product is meant to be accessed and used by people who are over 18 years old.

TruBlu CBD alternatives

Alternatives for True Blue CBD include

  • Penguin CBD
  • Verma Farms CBD
  • Green Roads CBD
  • Purekana
  • Fab CBD

What users have to say

“ CBD help me overcome my sleep problems. Now I can sleep well and wake up fresh. It is indeed something that I thought was quite impossible until I started using CBD “says Mark Jhonson

“I am happy that it is now legal to buy CBD OTC. I can see several people benefitting by using CBD oil for pain relief as I did” is what Laura Payne has got to say.

I only got to use CBD accidentally. But, it did offer better pain relief than the pain killers I regularly use. I am about to buy CBD oil now for use. Says Nicholas John.

James Moore claims that he found no difference when he used CBD oil for treating acne.

Justin Oakes says it was indeed effective in treating chronic arthritis pain, but I started having digestive problems.

The Final word

TruBlu CBD Oil is an effective product that can help you address a wide range of issues starting from those that are simple to those that are life-threatening, such as cancer. It is essential to source the product from a high-quality manufacturer with a well- established brand name to ensure the effectiveness of the product.

Order TruBlu CBD Oil