Things To Consider When Buying CBD Prefilled Cartridges


As CBD products become more and more popular and vaping communities continue to grow in numbers, it only seems natural that the two would be mixed. As new trends of using CBD oil come and go, the number of vapers now using CBD prefilled cartridges continues to climb. That’s right. Just in case you are one of the few people who haven’t realized yet, vape oils with CBD are now available as pre-filled cartridges and e-liquid. For the sake of this article, we are going to keep our focus and attention on prefilled cartridges. 

There’s still a lot of confusion with the differences between CBD oil and hemp oil. This is especially true when it comes to buying a vaping cartridge. We will use the rest of this article pointing out what you need to know before buying a CBD prefilled cartridge. This seems like the best place to get started. 

Cannabis oil vs. hemp oil

Hemp Seeds

By far, one of the biggest things you need to keep in mind before buying a prefilled cartridge is there’s a difference between CBD oil and hemp oil. It’s not uncommon for vapers to simply ask for a CBD oil cartridge. They don’t consider that the specific term is commonly used to describe many different products. There are plenty of products that have been marketed and even labeled as a CBD oil but they actually are hemp seed oil. 

So, what’s the big difference? The THC levels will be higher in cannabis oil. According to federal law, this is still illegal in many places. That being said, CBD hemp oil is legal as long as the THC level is lower than .3 percent.

The cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers are used with CBD hemp oil, but the seeds are not used. Several methods of extraction are used for the process, but a manufacturer will usually use either an extraction that is ethanol-based or co2.

Industrial hemp products, such as a CBD e-juice, are legal in the United States. Regardless of what the product’s packaging may say, you want to be sure the content of THC is confirmed with lab testing results from a third party. More often than not, these results are easily found on the packaging of the product, regardless of the brand. If you’re unable to find the numbers, this usually means the product hasn’t been tested by a third party.

Related: What Are the Differences Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil?

CBD Prefilled Cartridges

justCBD Vape Cartridge

By far, one of the biggest things you need to keep in mind before buying a prefilled cartridge is there’s a difference between CBD oil and hemp oil. It’s not uncommon for vapers to simply ask for a CBD oil cartridge. They don’t consider that the specific term is commonly used to describe many different products. There are plenty of products that have been marketed and even labeled as a CBD oil but they actually are hemp seed oil.

So, what’s the big difference? The THC levels will be higher in cannabis oil. According to federal law, this is still illegal in many places. That being said, CBD hemp oil is legal as long as the THC level is lower than .3 percent.

The cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers are used with CBD hemp oil, but the seeds are not used. Several methods of extraction are used for the process, but a manufacturer will usually use either an extraction that is ethanol-based or co2.

Industrial hemp products, such as a CBD e-juice, are legal in the United States. Regardless of what the product’s packaging may say, you want to be sure the content of THC is confirmed with lab testing results from a third party. More often than not, these results are easily found on the packaging of the product, regardless of the brand. If you’re unable to find the numbers, this usually means the product hasn’t been tested by a third party.

E-liquids and CBD vape juice

It’s common for CBD vape juice to be referred to as CBD vape oil or CBD e-juices. Any CBD oil produced for use with a vaping product can be described with these terms. When these cartridges are bought, the CBD oil is prefilled. All you need is your favorite vaping device, and you are good to go.

If you normally use a tincture or other CBD products, these cartridges are not filled with the same oils in other products. With a vaping oil made with CBD, either vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol are used. One of these will be used to thin the oils before they can be used with a vaping device.

Use caution if looking for CBD vape liquids

For those who vape, using a CBD vaping oil has become very popular. Because of this, several brands are taking short cuts with extraction and manufacturing, due to lacking regulations. Lower quality products are filling the market. One of the most common shortcuts for these brands is skipping out on lab testing by a third-party for their products.

If you plan to start using cartridges that have been prefilled with CBD oil, spend some time educating yourself. Yes, this article is a great place to start, but do some research. By googling a brand name, you will have access to reviews others are leaving about a specific product or brand. As mentioned earlier, if you are unable to find the results of third party testing on the packaging of a product, it’s a sure sign the company has skipped out on this. Usually, if a brand has invested the money with lab testing by a third party, they want you to know they have done so. They are going to make sure the information is easily found.

Picking a CBD vape cartridge

Here is what you will want to keep in mind to make sure you are buying a CBD vape oil that is both well made and safe for use.

The oil’s strength

If the CBD amount is labeled using what is known as the “milligram catch,” there’s a good chance the company is not telling the truth. No, this doesn’t exactly mean they are flat out lying. That being said, they use this method so the consumer will be confused about exactly what it is they are buying. As an example, if the bottle says 250mg, this doesn’t exactly signify you are getting 250 mg of CBD. The total amount of oil you are getting is 250 mg. Many ingredients can be mixed with CBD.

When you use a CBD oil for vaping, you need to know the real CBD level inside the bottle. If this isn’t clearly labeled by the company or brand with a percentage on the label, they are not being honest. Make sure you take the time to look until you find a brand that has this labeled as a percentage on the bottle or package.


Regardless of the industry, any business can easily say they are the best there is. That being said, when a third party is involved, making a statement like this becomes a little more difficult. Because of the lack of regulations, the CBD market can be tricky for consumers to know exactly what it is they are really buying.

Many brands and companies will use the testing results from the lab of a third party. This is done to provide confidence with the consumer that they are buying exactly what the packaging says. If you are buying a CBD cartridge for a vape product, especially if the purchase is being made online, be sure the brand has the results of testing from a third party, and that the tests have been done recently.

If the store or a website does not provide these specific results, the company can be directly contacted. That being said, if they do not already have the testing results provided where they can easily be found, it is safe to assume that there is something the company or brand is attempting to hide. Usually, when this is the case, either their product is low quality or they flat out are not being honest about the amount of the ingredients being used.

What does the language say?

There is a lot of significance in the words being used by a brand on the packaging of their products. Many of these companies use the words “hemp oil” to label their CBD products. However, this is a completely different oil that is used for different reasons and provides benefits that may be different than the ones you are looking for. You will want to make sure CBD oil is in the product and not hemp seed oil. This will be identified through a lab report with the CBD content being verified.

What you should avoid when buying cartridges

One of the easiest ways to find a better quality CBD oil product is by learning what things you should be avoiding. While this is by no means a complete list of what to stay away from, it will give you a good idea of what to keep in mind when buying prefilled cartridges.

Low prices

Regardless of what it is, we are shopping for, it is almost human nature to be drawn towards the lowest price. That being said, when it comes to a CBD oil product, a lower price will normally be a quick sign of a lower concentration. Yes, the prices are going to vary if you are looking for a high-quality CBD oil product, regardless if it is for vaping. However, if a price is low enough compared to other brands that it grabs your attention, go out of your way to verify the CBD amount in the product.


Yes, there are more health benefits from using CBD than we could mention in just one article. But, if a brand is making the claim that CBD is a cure-all, that could be a red flag you need to stay away. When buying CBD for vaping purposes, it is important that you take the time to read the fine print on the product’s packaging. There is nothing wrong with a brand or company informing its customers of results that have been proven with recent studies and research. That’s not the same as making a false claim that a CBD product can cure anything and that there are no risks involved with using a CBD product.

Content of THC

When you are online shopping for CBD, you will want to make sure what you are buying has the non-psychoactive seal of approval. Normally, there is a very low THC level, if any, with CBD. In order to verify the THC level of a CBD product, you will need to look over the report from the testing results provided by a third party. The majority of these reports will provide you with information regarding both the THC and CBD content of the product.

With new CBD products popping up everywhere you turn, it’s not exactly easy finding the one that works best for you. Depending on your reasoning for using CBD and the method you prefer, there are all kinds of options. Because of this, you may want to take the time to do some research. Any time you will be trying a product for the first time, regardless of whether or not it’s a vaping product, make sure there are results from lab testing for you to go over.