New Jersey Will Force Vape Shops To Carry Nicotine Gum


According to a new bill passed in New Jersey, all shops selling vaping and tobacco products will have to keep stock of nicotine gum for retail sales. Any type of nicotine gum or nicotine replacement drug that is approved by the FDA for tobacco cessation can be kept for sale. Retailers have complete choice in this regard, and they can sell nicotine patches and gums according to the demand.

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The bill was earlier passed in the state assembly with a 50-18 vote, and it has now cleared approval by the Senate with a 25-12 vote. The bill is now awaiting Governor Phil Murphy’s approval before it becomes law.

As of now, there are no clear instructions as to which products need to be available for sale and the inventory of such products in retail outlets selling vaping and tobacco products. However, the NRT products need to be in stock regularly, and they must be refilled within fifteen days of the inventory getting over. The products need to be displayed behind the counter and a notice informing about the availability of NRT products has to be displayed at the stores. The retailers have to pay a fine if they do not meet this requirement.

Interestingly, according to experts, NRT products have not become successful in the market. On the other hand, many people found that using vaping products helped them to quit tobacco to a large extent. In this regard, it would be interesting to see the response of smokers to the new regulations in the state.