How Much Cannabis Should I Use?


Not a lot of effort is required to use cannabis with the intent of receiving medical benefits. Simply taking a few puffs off of a flower-rich in THC is enough to do the trick. That being said, cannabis has much more to offer than smoking marijuana, especially when it comes to medical benefits. Sure, there is plenty of justification for smoking weed for health and wellness purposes. Still, the cannabis plant is able to do much more than creating a buzz or a high.

In the past few years, the use of strong concentrates of cannabis oil, CBD oil products that do not create a high, and methods of using that don’t involve smoking have altered what we consider therapeutic. This has created much debate and great conversation concerning the cannabis plant.

There is no longer a relevant question as to if weed creates value and benefit to people’s lives when it comes to medical reasons. The questions being asked now pertain to optimizing cannabis therapeutically, suiting your circumstances and lifestyle.

CBD Products

Cannabis Dosage and Doctors

It can be challenging to optimize the use of cannabis therapeutically. This can be said for both the patients wanting to use cannabis and the doctors prescribing it. Throughout medical school, cannabis is something that gets very little attention, at least in the classroom. According to a survey that was completed in 2017, very few doctors feel they are qualified to give advice concerning cannabis dosage, THC and CBD ratios, and the side effects a patient could experience.

The issue is, people are different. This includes the level at which they are willing to be completely honest. There are plenty of people currently using cannabis and experience great benefits, simply using one mg of total cannabis in a 24-hour period. There are also people consuming well over 150 mg of total cannabis, without experiencing effects they consider too adverse. This can make it extremely difficult for a doctor to keep things in the proper perspective.

There are many different forms in which cannabis can be used. Also, there is a very wide range in terms of how potent the cannabis being used is. Due to the fact, cannabis is not regulated on the federal level, there’s not exactly a standard that has been established when it comes to distribution and production. With the proper dosage of cannabis currently being discussed on many levels, what exactly is the best way to proceed with knowing what to do?

Beginners need to microdose

It is a common misconception to believe with cannabis therapy is that if you’re not getting high, you will not be obtaining any kind of relief for your symptoms. Plenty of people are shocked when they learn cannabis and its therapeutic effects can be experienced with a lower dose which doesn’t produce an intoxicated state of mind or euphoria. Taking cannabis at a lower dose can be extremely beneficial, often even more so than taking a dose that is considered extreme. At a very low level or dosage, THC can be extremely beneficial for medical reasons. This has been confirmed by science and research. When a low dose of THC is administered orally, the progression of specific diseases can be inhibited. These doses are often far lower than those people associate with using THC to get high.

Because of restrictions on research and the federal prohibition on cannabis, the needed clinical study and research simply isn’t there. This by no means supports the fact isn’t true. It simply means the needed research and study can’t be completed. That being said, we have been able to learn this: With micro-dosing, consuming a sub, or slightly psychoactive dosage of cannabis, more and more people are becoming interested in and want to receive the benefits of cannabis medically without getting high or experiencing a buzz.

While cannabis has been banned by federal law, you can still access cannabis medicines through oil extracts that are concentrated, infused soft gels and capsules, sprays and lotions, tinctures, and several other products.

Managing psychoactivity

To use cannabis successfully for medical reasons, you need the ability to manage its properties that can be intoxicating. Sure, there are plenty of people who love using cannabis for a high or a buzz. For others, this is exactly what pushes them away from using cannabis. One of the key factors of creating an effective plan for medical use will be determined by how sensitive a person is to THC. This is the primary compound in cannabis that produces a high.

With CBD, cannabidiol, the high that can be intoxicating with THC is not experienced. Actually, using CBD can neutralize or lower the effects created by THC. The effectiveness will depend on the amount of each compound a specific product contains. You have less of a buzz or a high with a ratio that is greater CBD to THC. In broad terms, you primarily have three different types of cannabis products and cannabis that are rich in resin:

  • Type one: THC dominant. This type is higher in THC and lower with CBD.
  • Type two: THC & CBD. With this type, there’s more of an equal ratio. This can still be intoxicating, but nearly as much as a THC dominant product
  • Type Three: CBD dominant. The ratio is very high in CBD but low in THC. This is what is primarily used in medical marijuana or hemp.

Now that we have discussed the types of products, we still need to discuss the proper dosage we should use. We’ll look at this with each of the three types of products we just listed.

Begin low and go slow

With cannabis therapy, the saying “begin low and go slow” is great advice in general. This is especially true with cannabis products that have a higher THC CBD ratio. If you are someone who is new to vaping or smoking cannabis that is rich in THC, it’s highly recommended to take a single inhalation, and then waiting 15 minutes before inhaling another hit. Regardless if it’s smoking or vaping, cannabis this is inhaled will normally begin to produce effects within a couple of minutes.

This is a quick means of relief for stress and many other medical issues. Until you have achieved the control of the symptom you desire, continue to inhale a hit of cannabis every 15 minutes. If you are using a product that is administered orally, you need to remember that it can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half before effects are felt from a single dose. Regardless of the method, you use cannabis, if you experience effects you don’t like, lower the THC dose that was taken before the effects coming on.

A different dosage for a different type

Type 1, THC dominant

To receive adequate relief for a specific symptom, a cannabis product may need to be ingested up to three times throughout the day, along with a regimen taken throughout the night. During the first two days, begin with a single dose equal to two and a half mg of THC. On the third and fourth day, keep the same dose but take it twice a day instead of just once. If your body is tolerant of the increase, raise the dosage to 15 mg of THC total, and take it equally during the day.

A daily dosage of THC higher than 20-30 mg may bring on side effects or inducing one’s tolerance without making the product more efficient. These effects primarily pertain to the THC within the given product and depend on the dose being taken. The higher the dose is, the more likely a person is experiencing negative side effects.

With the majority of medications, taking a higher dose will provide the individual with a stronger punch therapeutically. This isn’t the case with cannabis. The components within cannabis such as THC and CBD consist of properties that are biphasic. This means a low or high dose is going to generate effects that are opposite. Taking a smaller dose will tend to stimulate. Doses that are higher tend to sedate.

Practically speaking, beginning with a low dose and gradually raising the amount being taken produces the strongest effects when you first start out. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where increasing the dose results in the therapeutic effects being weaker. Also, keep in mind, no two bodies are alike. Each is going to react to THC differently. This includes rates of tolerance. It’s important that you spend time evaluating exactly how you feel with each dose and the changes you experience when the dosage is raised.

When you are taking too much for your body, there could be some negative side effects. These include vomiting, sweating, tremors, nausea, diarrhea, panic attacks, anxiety, discoordination, disturbed sleep, and paranoia. When overdoses are taken to extremes, the results can include hallucinations, even acute psychosis.

When THC is introduced to your system in smaller amounts and you slowly begin to increase the dosage, you lower your risk of experiencing these negative side effects. Your goal should always be to consume enough THC to have positive effects therapeutically while not ingesting enough to have these negative effects.

Type two, CBD and THC, a power couple

If there’s a power couple when it comes to therapeutic effects from cannabis, CBD and THC working together are definitely what you are looking for. Both of these compounds provide incredible attributes medically, and when the two of them are taken together, the results are even better. The painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties of THC are enhanced when CBD is put in the picture. Also, the addition of CBD lowers the risk of unwanted, negative side effects.

A study completed in 2010 concluded the addition of CBD raised the effects of THC to effects that were originally listed as ineffective at a smaller dosage. This is one of the countless benefits of using CBD. It magnifies the impact felt medically of THC in small amounts so the person doesn’t need to increase the amount being taken to experience the benefits of THC.

While many patients do great with the lowest dose that’s effective, there are plenty who benefit more with a higher dose of cannabis oil. It’s becoming more and more popular for the THC dose of cannabis to include a substantial amount of CBD, as well as the amount of THC. Because CBD reduces the intoxicating effects of THC, a cannabis treatment with high potency is easier to manage when the dosage includes CBD.

One could easily consider cannabis therapeutics as personalized medicine. Everyone is not going to find the same ratio of CBD and THC optimal. Combining as little as two and a half mg of CBD oil with a small THC amount can create an effect that is therapeutic. That being said, for many people, the dose of CBD needs to be a little higher, and is both safe for the body and is well tolerated.

For a patient who is new to cannabis, it’s recommended to begin with a lower dose of a remedy that is CBD-rich, with a small amount of THC. Throughout the day, take a few smaller doses instead of taking the dose in its entirety all at once.

Keep in mind, products that are low in THC aren’t always the best fit. Often, the patient will receive even better benefits when the ratio is more balanced. More often than not, using a product that has both CBD and THC is going to be much better than using a product with one of the two compounds on their own. The goal needs to be to administer doses that are both measurable and consistent. The product should contain as much THC as the person is able to comfortably handle. Experiment with different CBD:THC ratios until you find the one that works best for your needs.

Type three, Extracts that are full-spectrum, CBD-rich

If you are someone who wants to use cannabis without feeling the high or buzz that is produced with THC, micro-dosing is a great option. Another available option is using a high dose of CBD, a compound that doesn’t produce the mind-altering effects you get with THC.

Generally speaking, using one of these type three products will not get a person high, regardless of the amount being used. Research determines full-spectrum CBD oil produces effects at a dose that is much lower than CBD isolate, and the therapeutic window is much wider. With CBD isolate, the dose needs to be both higher and more precise.

Distillates and CBD isolates derived from hemp can easily be purchased through many website storefronts. If you want a product derived from hemp online, you may want to spend some time doing your own research when it comes to the quality of the product and brand. Again, with type three products, it is highly recommended to start with a lower dose and gradually work your way up until you achieve the specific effects you are looking for.