CBD for Bipolar Disorder


CBD is changing the way we look at mental health. Can this miracle molecule help treat bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disease, is an illness that often includes major mood swings. The term “manic” refers to periods of elevated energy and happiness. The word ‘depression’ signifies low-intensity feelings such as indifference or sadness for prolonged periods in individuals. The individual must suffer from this condition that doctors refer to now because most Americans consider it outdated.

CBD for Bipolar Disorder

Mood swings can be very unpredictable. It’s important for those who live with the condition to learn how they’re supposed to swing.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that almost 5% or 4.4 million U.S citizens aged 18 years and over have bipolar disorder at some point in their lives. This figure makes it one of the most common mental illnesses here. CBD is a product that helps many people to boost their physical and mental wellness. However, there hasn’t been any research on whether CBD can help with bipolar disorder yet- here’s what you need to know.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, has been one of the most sought after chemical compounds in recent years. It’s found within hemp and cannabis plants and on its own as an extract of natural sources such as flowers or leaves. With these properties come many health benefits, including alleviating pain relief which is why people all over have started using this incredible plant-based supplement.

CBD for bipolar disorder treatment

CBD may have a lot of benefits for anxiety, stress relief, and possibly even bipolar disorder. However, it is still too soon to tell if CBD really helps with these issues or not since there has only been one small study done so far in this area, but we are excited about what the future holds.

There are a few studies that show CBD to be effective in treating people with bipolar disorders. This case study focuses on two patients who were experiencing manic episodes and going through residential therapy. The report concludes that the treatment didn’t seem very helpful for their mania; however, neither patient reported any side effects from taking it.

Since a limited amount of research suggests CBD may have antidepressant effects, we should study its effect on depression. CBD has been shown to help with symptoms of bipolar disorder, but there is no evidence it could be used on its own or in conjunction with other medications.

Can someone take CBD together with my bipolar medication?

It’s claimed that CBD is safe for human consumption. However, it can interact with certain medications and produce side effects if combined together- like grapefruit, which affects the enzymes in your liver, so it changes how we process different drugs. If you consume both at once, then there could be an interaction between them, leading possibly to an adverse reaction or illness from one ingredient acting upon another instead of being treated appropriately because they’re not working properly, either way.

The grapefruit warning on some medications used to treat bipolar disorder can be a concern for people who want to use CBD. The reason being, it will interfere with the interactions between different drugs and supplements that are taken orally or by injection ( Suboxone). It’s best not to mix these two types of substances unless you know how they work together beforehand.

Is there any other treatment for bipolar disorder?

Even if CBD doesn’t work for you, there are treatments available to help with bipolar disorder. Medication and psychotherapy (psychological counseling) can be combined in an inpatient or outpatient setting as well.

Managing bipolar disorder

It’s important to take care of your physical health while living with bipolar disorder. It can help prevent the cycle from continuing, and it will also give you more energy for self-care activities like socializing or hobbies. If this does not work for some reason, try the following:

  • Getting enough sleep every night
  • Eating healthy food that boosts blood sugar levels (examples include fruit such as bananas)
  • Exercising regularly, so they stay active inside themselves without feeling too defeated by their symptoms

Just know these shouldn’t replace therapy because there is no one size fits all treatment plan when dealing with mental illness.

If you feel that your mental health is getting worse and professional help would do the trick for you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

CBD as a Mood Stabilizer

CBD is touted for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Numerous studies have mentioned the anti-anxiety effects of CBD oil, which people use in different ways, including managing panic disorder or social phobia.

CBD May Alleviate Manic Episode

Folks that have bipolar disorder have intense symptoms of mania. At this period, they feel highly motivated and full of energy. A 1998 study published in the Journal Of Psychoactive Drugs found that cannabis users responded better to their herbal treatment than those given conventional medications. CBD was mentioned as promising for treating hypomania specifically, but only one type out of these conditions exists (mania).

CBD Acts as a Natural Antidepressant

In 2007, a study from the Journal of Neural Transmission found that there are fewer CB1 cannabinoid receptors in people with bipolar disorder than those who don’t have the condition. This could be why CBD helps them– it improves signaling through our endocannabinoid system and restores balance to brain chemistry as well.

CBD Improves Stress Response

The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology study has found that CBD oil is one of nature’s most effective stress relievers. People who have a family history or genetic predisposition to mental illness are at risk of developing bipolar disorder if they don’t take care when stressed. They should consider using this natural remedy as often as possible during times like these.

If you take CBD oil daily for bipolar disorder, it can help support your endocannabinoid system, the same one that regulates stress responses. It also works to regulate many other functions within our body.

People Don’t Get Addicted to CBD

Nowadays, traditional bipolar medications like Symbyax and Lithoid are typically prescribed to treat this mental disorder. However, they have a long list of adverse reactions, not to mention their negative consequences with long-term use; unlike cannabis compounds which come without these side effects or risk factors.

The side effects of pharmaceutical medications can be very serious. Some common ones are addictive potential, difficulty sleeping, and manic depression, which have to do with the brain chemical serotonin production in your body – not something you want onboard if it’s causing otherwise healthy people these problems.

Is CBD legal?

Hemp, or cannabis and hemp-derived products, are now legal on a federal level. However, individual states have their own legislation regarding the amount of CBD extracted from each plant with an 0-THC ratio less than 1:1. Be mindful if you’re traveling into another state as they may regulate it differently there too.


There is not enough research to show that CBD can help with bipolar disorder and its symptoms, but it’s worth trying. With bipolar disorder, it’s important to speak with your doctor about whether CBD could be a good treatment option for you. It’s never safe or wise to replace the medication you’re currently on while using cannabis as well. But many people have had encouraging results after switching from traditional treatments such as pills and therapy alone. This allows them more time without feeling like they need constant supervision all day long.