CBD and Your Sperm Count: What You Need to Know


CBD is one of 110 cannabinoids present in plants of marijuana and hemp. Dr. Dams and his team of researchers at the University of Illinois first found it in 1940.

While it has been popular until recent years, the CBD has been under the microscope for several reasons. This includes the fact that, due to its high content of essential fatty acids (Omega-6 and Omega-3) and other nutrients, it can be beneficial to us as a dietary supplement.

CBD is often confused with THC (the ingredient responsible for its psychoactive effects in cannabis plants called Tetrahydrocannabinol), which contributes to the presumption that CBD may have the same behavioral alterations. That’s not real, though.

  • In our bodies, CBD is treated by the endocannabinoid system, and no psychoactive symptoms are known to be produced—unlike some belief.
  • CBD is exceptionally peaceful and can be used in many items, from cosmetics and nutritional additives, pills, and tablets to dietary supplements.
  • One study from 2015 analyzed 1215 young Danes aged 18 to 28 years with penises.
  • It has been found that daily cannabis smoking — described as more than once a week — has 28% fewer sperm and a 29% lower overall sperm number.
  • Cannabis patients had a 52% lower concentration of sperm and 55 percent lower average sperm count along with other recreational drugs more than once a week.
  • However, the reverse was shown by another report released in 2019.
  • Researchers observed that 662 people who had visited a fertility centre had a sperm abundance greater than someone who had never smoked pot in the past.

CBD and Your Sperm Count

Smoking cannabis

Over the years, numerous studies have focused on the impact of consuming weed on sperm counts and the general wellbeing of sperm. An example of these experiments and their effects is a thesis performed at the University of Copenhagen.

A survey of 1.215 men was carried out. The study showed that the average sperm count for those who reported cannabis once or more a week decreased by around 25%. Naturally, the researchers claimed that their lifestyle, diet, and the degree of exercise might also lead to a part of the sperm loss experienced by these men. The study concluded that the average loss in sperm count from consuming weed once a week or more.

Taking CBD

Concerning the impact of CBD and other cannabinoids on sperm counts, there has been inadequate testing, and several of the studies that have been conducted have been unfinished. We know a few things, though.

According to a 2003 study at Buffalo University, USA, cannabinoids could affect things like sperm swimming capacity. However, from now on, as sperm processes cannabinoids such as CBD, we do not know precisely what happens to them.

The fine line that is there in between

The reality that someone who smokes cannabis is not even a cannabinoid as CBD may be quick to confuse these two concepts. Yeah, that’s not an easy answer. While CBD and other cannabinoids can be received by smoking cannabis, the fact that the plant is smoking eliminates all of its nutrients, so the dosage is extremely poor.

But when you use CBD alone or in oil with high content, you get more cannabinoids and not other compounds released from cannabis plants when burnt.

The use of cannabinoids like CBD has not shown (to date) the same effects. So, smoking weed has delivered considerably lower sperm counts. This means you should move from smoking to using CBD if you are worried about your sperm count (and overall fertility).

The impact on sperm shape and the size

Sperm cell size and type refers to the morphology of a cell.

  • The sperm “tadpole” type, having a round head and dust, makes it possible to enter the egg and dissolve it in the egg.
  • Sperm cell irregular morphology can make pregnancy difficult.
  • In a 2019 study, 48 separate cannabis- and fertility experiments were analyzed.
  • It was noted that some research — in both animal and human models — indicate that cannabis may contribute to irregular sperm morphology, which may, in turn, affect fertility.
  • There are a few options that you can do if you use weed and wish to promote sperm wellbeing.

Next, if possible, try consuming cannabis less often. Find out if CBD is a suitable option for you if you are using cannabis for medicinal purposes. Up until now, the lower sperm count of CBD has not been involved.

Secondly, you should change any of your lifestyles to promote your sperm’s overall wellbeing. Including:

  • Stress Relief
  • Avoid or limit the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Further workout
  • Sleep is sufficient

You may also consult with a psychiatrist or another healthcare professional for more accurate details if you are worried about your fertility.

Does cannabis increase the sperm count?

Could cannabis raise the sperm count and increase the fertility of men? New research found that male users of cannabis are more likely to have higher numbers of sperms than men. This is in contradiction with previous studies, which indicate that male fertility is detrimental to cannabis. Will men who want children touch the bong or stick to the narrow and straight?

Could cannabis improve men’s fertility? Harvard researchers have recently released a study[1] that ties the use of cannabis to improved sperm counts. They have taken 1,143 of 662 males who obtained care in a clinic for fertility from 2000 to 2017 and found that sperm concentrations of 62.7 million (million/ml) have been registered by those who have smoking weeds, and 45.4 million/ml by those who have never smoked. Furthermore, while 5% of marijuana smoker men had sperm counts below 15 million/ml “normal” thresholds, 12% of non-smoking men dropped into that region. Cannabis smokers were less than half likely to have sperm motility and sperm concentration below minimal WHO levels.


This study indicates that male fertility may be improved by marijuana. Cannabis has been related to a slew of medicinal effects, and specific pathways of cannabis use can enhance the sperm count. It is very likely to do this. Research has also shown the spermatogenesis of endocannabinoids to play a significant part, indicating that the biological role of phytocannabinoids can have a considerable effect.

The analysis should, however, be closely viewed. It exhibits a correlation between smoking and sperm numbers; however, correlation implies no reason. Testosterone, for example, will induce higher sperm counts and higher risk actions because males who have more testosterone may be more likely to have both smoke and sperm. This may be an influence of a third form, allowing both higher sperm count and weeds to smoke.

Final verdict

The only factor that decides male fertility is not sperm counting but is significant. Sperm motility, which enables sperm to “swim” properly through the female reproductive tract, is another aspect. The decreased semen volume can also contribute, even though the sperm count is regular, to fertility issues. Other infertility causes may include sperm white blood cells, irregular sperm, or high dead sperm content.

In comparison, 15% of infertile men in their testes have normal development of sperm and normal semen. They also have difficulty when the sperm is taken into the semen. This is how the tubes bring sperms from the tests into the ejaculative ducts leading to blockages in the vases deferens. Any man is born for genetic reasons without a vas deferential. Antibodies are developed by other men who destroy sperm cells as they leave the trials. Others also have retrograde ejaculation, with the sperm ejaculating straight into the intestine.

Past research

Animal testing brings to the image a completely different dimension. The most significant benefit of animal science is that scientists can monitor unknown variables and eradicate the uncertainty in which we have grappled. The downside is that humans differ from animals, and the findings cannot necessarily transcend the border of the species.

Research of 2013 on rats showed that sperm count and seminiferous tubules (the cell system in which sperm is gestated, mature, or transported in the testes) were substantially decreased in the administration of cannabis. Research in 2007 searching for a reliable means of contraceptive showed that the sperm count in male Wistar rats was reduced by cannabis sativa. A third study in 2011 has demonstrated that, due to differences in the function of the endocannabinoid of the testes, the edible cannabis preparation typical in India decreased fertility in male rats.


Analysis has been inconsistent, as one meta-analytic recognizes, but the predominance of data shows that cannabis will harm the sperm count. These chaotic findings might have a variety of reasons: some could have identified cannabis-biased participants, while others may have misunderstood human population studies. In different profiles, cannabis may often have different impacts on fertility: the delivery of cannabis through biphasic, where low intake sometimes results in opposite to high amounts, is known. It is quite possible to increase the sperm count by eating small quantities of weed while it reduces by drinking massive amounts.