Can I Take CBD with My Medication


As CBD, cannabinoid, continues to grow in popularity, more and more research is being completed to learn of health benefits it could be a potential cure for, or at least provide relief for symptoms. Currently, there are many reasons CBD is being given a closer look. Everything from depression, anxiety, skin conditions, illnesses that create inflammation, the list is too long to mention everything. CBD has been providing many people with several issues and illnesses the therapeutic relief they have been searching for, some of them for many years.

If you are a person currently suffering from a wide range of health issues that you have been unable to find anything that helps, CBD could potentially be the answer you have been looking for. CBD has been shown to be safe for use and consumption, according to most of the scientific studies and research that has been completed. That being said, there could be some negative side effects that are experienced, especially for those who use CBD in a way that it was not intended.

Throughout the remainder of this article, we will provide some answers to questions concerning how CBD may interact with medications and which ones you should definitely not use CBD with. Many of these interactions are too commonly overlooked. For us, it’s very important that more information is provided on the topic, especially with the CBD industry growing at the fast pace it currently is.

CBD with medication

What exactly is a cannabinoid?

A compound that is extracted from a Cannabis Sativa plant is the best way to explain a cannabinoid (1). There are over 100 known cannabinoids in these plants that scientists are currently researching that could be beneficial for a wide range of health issues. One of the several cannabinoids currently being researched is CBD. Scientists are currently looking to identify the exact benefits CBD products are able to provide.

CBN, CBD, CBG, CBDa, and CBC are all cannabinoids that interact with specific receptors, specifically CB1, creating therapeutic synergy throughout the body. There is a unique effect experienced in the endocannabinoid system when these cannabinoids cooperate with each other, creating what is commonly called the entourage effect. Several of these cannabinoids, including CBD, lead our bodies to a healthier life.

CBD oil drug interactions

Drugs bought over the counter or prescribed have interaction with compounds that are in the body. This is pretty common knowledge. The same could be said for these medications, both prescribed and purchased over the counter with substances such as alcohol, caffeine, and even certain foods. If someone is using a CBD oil product, it is very important that the person takes the time to know the specific interactions that could happen with the CBD products and the medications they are using, regardless of whether they are prescribed or not.

Yes, CBD and other cannabinoids can create a reaction with drugs that have been prescribed. Usually, negative interactions caused by CBD will not happen when the CBD is being taken at extremely high doses. Still, even in these instances, the reactions that have taken place have been identified as being very mild.

The Cytochrome P-450 system

CYP450, a family of enzymes located in the liver, metabolizes over 60 percent of the drugs that are taken into the body. Due to the fact that a doctor will determine the necessary medication dosage according to the system’s processing times, cytochrome P-450 is significant. Calculations are made with the average length of time required for processing medications and drugs through the CYP450 system.

There is only one drug currently being taken into the body and the person has a healthy CYP450 system, there will be an accurate dosage provided through the averages of the system. However, these processing times can be affected by either an unhealthy system or specific substances. As a result, certain drugs and medications will be metabolized a little slower or quicker than it normally would.

The CYP450 system and CBD

There have been several clinical trials showing researchers both CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 enzymes are inhibited by CBD. These enzymes have the ability to alter how the human body processes medications and drugs. If CBD is able to inhibit a CYP enzyme then the metabolism of the drugs being prescribed may be slowed down.

If these enzymes are induced by CBD, the lifespan is decreased of the medications and drugs that have been prescribed or are bought over the counter. This is because more of the enzyme is being made. This is why you need to have a discussion with your doctor if you are or plan to start using CBD oil products. Will the medications he is prescribing interact with CBD in a negative way? When you are honest with your doctor and bring up the details, they then have the opportunity to adjust the dosage of the medication they are prescribing.

As we mentioned, over 60 percent of drugs and medication that is taken are metabolized by the CYP450 system. CBD and other cannabinoids have the ability to inhibit this system. This results in an alteration of how drugs and medications are processed and metabolized by the enzymes in the body.

When taking CBD, which drugs should you not take?

A drug interactions table demonstrating which drugs the CYP450 system metabolizes was created by the Department of Medicine at Indiana University. These drugs have been proven by clinical studies to interact with this system and show potential for interacting with CBD.

  • Sulfonylureas
  • Steroids
  • Oral hypoglycemic agents
  • HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
  • Angiotensin II blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • NSAIDs
  • Antihistamines
  • PPIs
  • Prokinetics
  • Beta-blockers
  • HIV antivirals
  • Anti-epileptics
  • Immune modulators
  • Antidepressants
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Antipsychotics
  • Antiarrhythmics
  • Anesthetics
  • Antibiotics

These are many of the most commonly used drugs and medications that we know are using the CYP450 system. It needs to be noted, no, this list does not include every medication that has the potential to feel an impact by CBD. It is difficult to determine exactly which medications that have been described may create an interaction with cannabidiol. Because of this, be sure to have a discussion with your doctor concerning if the medication or drugs you have been prescribed are safe to be taken if you are using a CBD oil product.

Methods of taking CBD

If you are interested in starting to take cannabidiol, there are several ways to both dose and consume CBD. If you are unsure exactly what dosage of CBD you should be using, it is always recommended to start with a lower dose and gradually work up your dosage.

Depending on the method you use to ingest CBD will determine how the compound is metabolized by your CYP enzymes. Depending on your preferences and lifestyle, your method of using CBD will vary. Again, this is by no means a complete and thorough list of all the ways you can ingest CBD. This is simply a list of some of the most common methods of use.

CBD tinctures and oils

CBD tinctures and oils provide a means of sublingually using the compound. Without swallowing, membranes underneath the tongue absorb the CBD. With sublingual ingestion, the bloodstream absorbs the CBD. What is left in the mouth is then swallowed and ingested.

Vaping CBD

It’s becoming more and more popular to use vaping products as a means of using CBD. Cannabidiol can directly enter the bloodstream by being inhaled through a person’s lungs. The digestive system is bypassed, creating a more direct effect of the CBD. CYP1 enzymes interact with the CBD through vaping. Because of this, any potential interaction with drugs or medications will more than likely occur.


There are several ways in which CBD can be ingested. More and more companies have products that have infused with CBD. These products include soft gel capsules, gummies, dried fruits, even water and several more. Once a cannabinoid has been ingested and the intestines have a chance to get to work, the liver is able to process the CBD and it is then distributed throughout the body.

More time is needed for the CBD to enter into the bloodstream with the multiple-step process of digestion. Anywhere from two to four hours are required for the bloodstream to absorb the CBD. Again, there’s a higher probability of CBD interacting with drugs and medications when it is ingested.

Topical Creams

When you are using a CBD lotion or cream, the CBD isn’t absorbed into the bloodstream. Instead, your points and skin absorb the compound. Because of this, there isn’t a risk of the CBD interacting with drugs or medications. That being said, it’s not uncommon to have to wait longer to experience the positive effects of using CBD through these topicals.


Many different benefits can be provided for our health by using CBD. These benefits include anti-nausea, pain relief, anti-anxiety, and both anti-seizure and anti-inflammatory supplements. If you are being prescribed drugs or medications and have already been using a CBD oil product for a while, you need to take note that there could be potential for interaction between these medications and CBD.

This depends on the drug or medication you have been prescribed, how the medicine is metabolized by the body, and the specific method in which you take CBD. And always, is you are someone who is using a CBD product, make sure you tell your doctor why you are using CBD and the method in which it is being used before being given a new prescription or purchasing medicine over the counter.