A Guide to Building a CBD Infused Diet


CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound found within the Cannabis Sativa plant. It is one of the most widely accepted ways of marijuana usage. As a result, CBD continues its domination in the fields of wellness and health. CBD is readily accepted and has gained popularity among health enthusiasts due to its numerous benefits and therapeutic qualities.

Due to its calming and relaxing qualities, CBD is used in healthcare for quite some time and is highly effective in treating many ailments. The F&B industry is the latest to jump on the bandwagon for tapping into this lucrative trend. Apart from infusing CBD into regular foods, various food brands are also actively creating more CBD-infused diets.

CBD Infused Diet

As people worldwide become more open to incorporating CBD into their regular diet, it is necessary to know how CBD can help one lead a healthier and happier life.

Need for CBD Infused Diets

Some research suggests that clinical deficiency of endocannabinoids may be the fundamental cause of ailments like migraine, chronic pain, annoying bowel syndrome and depression. This, for many, is reason enough to start exploring the natural ways of incorporating CBD into their regular diet.

Consuming cannabis is the most obvious way of incorporating cannabinoids into one’s diet. It stimulates the natural network of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors in the body (endocannabinoid system). Studies have also shown that alcohol can impair the body’s endocannabinoid system, so try to stay away from it if interested in boosting cannabinoid levels.

Consuming CBD is strongly suggested if one would like to enjoy various perks such as less inflammation, decrease in chronic pain, getting a good night’s rest and building immunity, to name a few. From gummies to candies and from tea to coffee, the list of CBD-infused products is endless. Edible CBD is available in so many forms and varieties that users will find themselves spoilt for choices.

Methods of Consuming CBD in Diet

When it comes to consuming CBD, one can pick any mode based on their preference – eating, drinking or even smoking. Eating or drinking usually have longer-lasting effects, as the digestive system takes time to send the desired effects of CBD to the brain via the bloodstream. Besides, inhaling CBD harms the lungs, something that can be avoided with other modes of consumption.

By infusing CBD into the diet, one enjoys the psychological advantages of this relatively non-straightforward method of consumption. It also helps one feel in complete control over the amount of CBD consumed daily. Preparing one’s CBD-infused meals and desserts are a sure way to feel the difference and get a sense of achievement too. One might desire to take the supplement route of ingesting CBD in oil or pill format, but learning to infuse oil into cooking is much easier and better.

As with vegetables and fruits, juicing live cannabis has also gained popularity. Though live cannabis does not have CBD, it does contain molecules such as CBDA that have wide variety of benefits. Recent studies have shown that CBDA exhibits analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential. To avoid the psychotropic properties of cannabis, juicing is a great way to get started in making cannabinoids a part of one’s daily diet.

Pros of Infusing CBD in Diet

CBD diets are new, so it is natural to wonder if consuming them with food is better than other CBD products. Listed below are a few pros that will clear all doubts that still linger:

  • Good taste – No one likes to compromise on good taste, and companies that manufacture CBD products know this. That is why CBD food and drinks don’t disappoint when it comes to taste.
  • Longer-lasting effects – When taken along with food, CBD is held in the digestive system longer, thus prolonging its healing effects in the body. In contrast, when taken through inhalation or sublingual methods, CBD might get into the bloodstream quickly, but the effects are also fairly short-lived.
  • No medical prescription – When it comes to buying CBD foods, there is no hassle of getting a medical prescription from the doctor.
  • Well-regulated dosage – CBD food products come with labels detailing the exact amount of CBD inside. This goes a long way in helping users regulate and keep tabs on the amount of CBD they are consuming.
  • The overall effect – When ingested through food, the result is a whole-body effect as compared to other topical methods that only focus on specific areas of the body.

How to Include CBD in Diet

One rule of thumb while incorporating CBD into the diet is to take it very slowly. As each body is unique and responds in its own unique way, letting the body decide its tolerance level would be the best practice. Allowing adequate time for the body to respond is another important factor. It is important to be patient and not panic if one does not reach their desired effects immediately. Given below are some way to build a good CBD infused diet:

Begin with a well-balanced diet

One needs to evaluate and alter their eating habits before reaching out to CBD infused diets. Strictly follow a strong, balanced diet consisting of plenty of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and fibrous grains. CBD is neither an elixir nor will it make one healthy magically. It will give results only if consumed with proper guidance.

Gradual introduction to body

Being a highly unique compound, CBD affects everyone differently. To experience optimal results, it is highly recommended to introduce CBD moderately into the diet and ensure regular intake. One might even need to experiment with several products and doses till they hit the ‘sweet spot’.

Consuming CBD oil of medium strength in low doses once a day is recommended to all who are interested in trying CBD as a general health supplement and have never used it before. The suggested dose of oil needs to be kept in the mouth, under the tongue, for around a minute and any differences in the body should be noted. In case the effects of CBD are not felt within a week, the dosage can be doubled. Being non-toxic in nature, one can even consume large quantities of CBD if their body requires it.

Choose the right product

It is recommended that people initiate their journey into CBD nutrition with CBD oil. The reasons for it are as follows:

– It is easily available all over the world.

– It provides the ability to try and adjust to various doses and find one’s ‘sweet spot’.

– It reacts fast and usually takes effect in just 15–20 minutes.

The list of CBD products is endless, and so are the ailments it can cure and the benefits it can provide. When consumed after studying carefully and under the guidance of a health expert, one can find a lot of CBD enriched vitamins and supplements that will meet their needs.

Infuse in food oils

One should not rely on readymade options such as tinctures, edibles, and topicals if CBD is to be made a diet staple. Adding CBD directly to one’s favorite recipes is possibly the best way to enjoy its versatile impact.

CBD is an amazing cannabinoid with a ton of benefits, and being fat-soluble is one of them. Infusing it with one’s favorite cooking oil is the simplest form of using it in food. It not only increases absorption but allows CBD to effectively get into one’s bloodstream. This kind of infusion also makes consuming CBD tastier, as flavors are more enjoyable than its weedy taste in general.

Explore vitamins and supplements

CBD enriched vitamins and food supplements are currently trending in the health and food industries. Mixing CBD with other nutritious foods makes this one of the best ways of consuming it. Specialized CBD infused vitamins and food supplements may help with:

  • Detoxing: Detox teas enriched with CBD can help the body cleanse by reducing appetite naturally and building immune function.
  • Sports training: Post-workout shakes infused with CBD combine protein with creatine, other vitamins, and superfoods that help athletes perform better and recover faster.
  • Skincare: CBD Hemp Seed Oil takes all the benefits of hemp seed oil and combines them with the benefits of CBD, thus providing vital ingredients in promoting skin health.

Naturally-occurring CBD Infused Food

Cannabinoid activity in the body gets stimulated naturally through the natural cannabinoid receptor and endocannabinoids in the body which are together called the endocannabinoid system.

Chia and flax seeds, eggs and walnuts, sardines and anchovies, teas, herbs, and spices are some of the foods that stimulate the endocannabinoid system naturally. Kombucha, CBD cocktails, coffee cold brews, CBD dried fruits, CBD gummies, and CBD protein bars are some of the popular foods and drinks that can be tried.

Final Thoughts on CBD Nutrition

CBD nutrition is no rocket science. It is simply a shift in modern healthy food trends that has caught up with the CBD craze. Guided experimentation and patience are the two best tips for anyone wanting to try a CBD-infused diet. Launch of the CBD infused food products by the F&B industry has made CBD more accessible than ever.

However, this wide access has also increased the chances of deregulation and contamination immensely. Proper research and consultation before taking the plunge is highly suggested. As the users are expected to verify the CBD products independently, consuming CBD products without proper validation will do more harm than good. Checking the product thoroughly and asking for test results, analysis, and insurance certificates will ensure good quality.