CBD Oil Dosing Guide: How Much CBD Should You Take?


One of the most critical pieces to understand when determining an appropriate CBD dose is how much your body can handle. There isn’t a one-size fit all approach to this, but in the dosing guide, let me give you some suggestions that should help!

It’s no secret that CBD supplements are a big part of the industry. They help increase performance and recovery, but everyone is different in terms of weight and metabolism, so it can be difficult to find what works best for you.

Taking CBD before work

What Quantity of CBD should I take?

Getting the correct dosage for your CBD supplements is important for getting the most out of them and feeling great. If you don’t get it right, then you will be wasting money on an excess product and won’t see as many benefits from using these products in general.

Using the baseline of 0.25 milligrams of CBD multiplied with your weight, a 120-pound user should take a 30-milligram dosage daily, and someone weighing 200 pounds should take 50 milligrams daily. It is best to split these doses between your morning and evening since this allows for more optimal absorption throughout the day and better sleep at night due to reduced anxiety from having taken them earlier in the day (if applicable).

That said, as there is no official serving size, your dosage for a CBD product will vary from person to person. It varies based on weight and metabolism and the type of CBD product you’re using (topical vs tincture). For the best potential for success, this article recommends experimenting with dosage to discover what works best. It can take 2-3 weeks of consistent usage to determine the right dose, so be patient and keep trying!

Dosages of CBD in Different Forms

  • Tincture:

To take the correct quantity of tincture may be confusing, so let’s break it down. When using a 500 or 1000mg strength tincture:

-First, you need to make sure that you are purchasing the right one (500 if your package says 1ml equals 20 drops and has an equivalency table on its website; otherwise, buy a 1000 mg bottle)

-Next, remember the article is talking only about taking tinctures in this example–adjust accordingly for soft gels, spray oral solutions, etc.

If you buy a 500-milligram Tincture bottle, the whole bottle would contain ~600 drops, and each drop contains about 0.8 mg of CBD (remember this article recommended an initial dose of 0.25 multiplied by your body weight in pounds).

For example, if users are 120 pounds and want to use CBD oil for health benefits (such as pain relief), here is the suggested dosage. The formula suggests that 0.25 x 120 = 30mg per day in drops of CBD oil, so now take this number 30mg and divide it by 0.8 mg/drop, which equals 35 drops a day on average (~30-40). For someone who weighs 200 pounds like me, the formula brings users up to ~60 daily doses of 60 or 70drops each (experiment between these numbers until optimal results have been achieved).

Now that a baseline is established let’s do the same using the 1000 monogram tincture bottle, which also has in it ~600 liquid drops of CBD oil. It is vital to note that since this material is 2x as strong, each drop now has 1.6mg and not 1mg.

For the same 120 pounds person used in this example above, you should now take approximately 15 liquid drops per day. For a 200 pound person, they can take approximately 30 drops.

  • Oral Spray

Each bottle of CBD has 250mg of cannabidiol with 150 sprays. Each spray delivers approximately 1.65 milligrams to your system, and the article suggests 3-5 sprays after lunch hour or in between weightlifting sets during a workout session as needed, but not more than five times per day for most users.

  • Soft gel

The best thing about this product is the dosage. Each softgel contains 25mg of CBD, and there are 30 per bottle. C+L’s softness all contain a dose of 25 mg, which makes it easy to remember your daily intake. Be mindful of the suggested dosing guidelines when consuming CBD products. The suggestion is to consume 0.25minigram of CBD per pound of your body weight daily.

  • Topical Lotions

These products applied to the skin like the regular Muscle Rub, Muscle Cream, and Patch allow you to apply a focused dose of relief where it’s needed most. Apply moisturizers and creams to affected areas. You can also use transdermal patches whole or cut them with scissors for optimal dosage, but they’re absorbed into the system slowly since you need to put it on your skin like a Band-Aid rather than ingesting it. The topical products are great because of their ease of use. Apply liberally!

Some Dosage Tips to assist you

  • Start Small:

It is best to start with small dosages and gradually increase your dosage as need be. Although taking more CBD than you need won’t cause any harm, it could waste products not used. Tincture users should start with half of the dosage suggested for one week in the morning or evening 60 minutes before bedtime.

  • Be Regular:

Many folks need to build up the CBD in their system before they start seeing benefits. If you don’t see results right away, keep taking your daily doses for four weeks as closely and carefully as possible so that you can notice any changes within your body.

What Factors Should I Consider Before Taking CBD?

  • Your Sensitivity to CBD: CBD is a substance that can be beneficial for the body when used properly. If you are new to CBD, it might take some time to figure out how much of this product your system needs to feel its effects. For instance, if you’re very sensitive or intolerant to CBD oil, taking too large a dose may cause unwanted side effects such as dizziness and nausea. This can potentially lead to not wanting anything more with their usage until they get adjusted accordingly.
  • Personal Factors: When deciding how much CBD to take, there are many factors you should consider. These include the formulation and concentration of your capsule or oil drops (for example), as well as symptoms being treated and a person’s age, sex, weight, and overall health. Generally speaking, for capsules containing 10mg per serving, people with heavier bodies will generally need more than those who weigh less to achieve effects. But since everyone is different, it may help some individuals if they start slow before increasing dosage size to work up slowly instead of potentially taking too little/too much right away, which wouldn’t provide any benefits at all! Men might also require higher doses, while older folks often only need smaller amounts because of decreased body metabolism.
  • The Ailment you are treating: If you are treating a different condition, the best CBD dosage for your body might be lower or higher. In one study on sleep quality in participants who took 25mg per day, their symptoms did not improve consistently; however, this may have been due to other conditions they were also trying to treat.
  • Dosage: Dose-calculators are online tools that help you to determine the correct dose of medication. While there is no one perfect tool, many exist (such as mydosage.com) and can be quite helpful in determining dosage levels for various medications according to your age range, weight/height, etc., so it’s definitely worth taking a look at these kinds of resources when starting or changing treatment plans. Although experts claim, the accuracy of such calculators is challenging to ascertain.

Are CBD products regulated?

Although the FDA does not regulate CBD products, some manufacturers make unproven claims about their products. Furthermore, there is concern about the safety and quality of these products as they have been found to test positive for pesticides that could be harmful if ingested.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that people experienced adverse side effects from CBD products containing synthetic cannabinoids, even though the product label didn’t indicate this.

Mislabeling CBD products is a significant problem. In one study, 70% of the online sold-CBD products had significantly more THC than advertised on their labels; this psychoactive ingredient causes people to become high and thus can be quite dangerous for those who have anxiety or other conditions THC worsens.


If you’re looking to get started with CBD (cannabidiol), it’s best to speak with your doctor first. While some doctors may help recommend dosage or high-quality brands, not all physicians will have information about CBD — depending on the laws in your state. Talk with a doctor before trying any products containing cannabidiol, especially if you are currently taking other medications.